
The Gorgeous Ice Cream Tulips Looks Very Delicious

Yayınlanma: 12 June 2024 - 23:32

The Tulip flowers are magnificent gift of natüre and harbinger of spring with their elegant and fascinating beauty. Some of you, Who is a flower enthusiast, probably already know about the ice cream tulip variety. The ice cream tulip is a unique variety with a white cone emerging from pink petals. This tulip species has been named „Ice Cream Tulips” as they resemble strawberry flavored ice cream that also has whipped cream on top.

However, of all the tulip varieties there's one that's most stunning to look at. It's the mesmerizing Ice Cream Tulip. This late-flowering tulip with deep pink blooms, crowned by a creamy white top is truly unique. While other tulips are beautiful to look at, this tulip looks delicious, what with its white, cream, or yellow 'ice cream scoop' on the top. Let's take a closer look ice cream tulips.
The Ice Cream tulip is a variety in the Tulipa family that is particularly exotic-looking, it look just like a vanilla-strawberry ice cream cone. Its height 10 to 16 inches (25 to 40 cm). Its planting distance – 4 inches (10 cm). Its soil needs clayish loam, well-draining, cool. Ice cream tulips have been planted October to December. Blooming months; mid-May to mid-August.