
Interesting Facts About The Giant Atlas Moth

Yayınlanma: 22 June 2024 - 01:34

Attacus atlas known as Atlas moth, is the largest moth species in the World. It haa a massive wingspan, which is wider than hıman hand. Itis native to tropical and forest habitats in Asia. Its reddish-brown wings draws attention with triangular patterns outlined in black. The marking on the upper corner of their wings that eerily resembles a cobra head is the most remarkable feature of atlas moths. Unfortunatelly, this beautiful moth lacks the ability to eat.

Adult atlas moths don't eat because they don't even have fully formed mouths. Their proboscis is tiny and non-functioning. Though it seems extraordinary, this is fairly common in moths. They live on the reserves they store as caterpillars. Once the atlas moth emerges from the cocoon as an adult, its sole purpose is to find a mate. The moth doesn’t travel far from its cocoon, saving all of its energy for reproduction. This moth has what appears to be a built-in method for scaring off predators; its wingtips look just like cobra snake heads.1 When the atlas moth is threatened, it slowly moves its wings to mimic a snake to ward off potential attackers. Since cobras are found in the same areas as the atlas moth, and because its main predators, birds and lizards, are visual hunters, it seems likely that this wing marking is an adaptation for survival.