
25 Extremely Magnificent Minerals And Gemstones In The World

Yayınlanma: 26 June 2024 - 21:39

Nature is full of mistery. Most of us are usually talking about gardens, charming little villages or beaches. But this time, I show and give information about minerals and precious stones in this artical. You will see that there are beautiful patterns and colours hidden in these stones. Enjoy the glory of nature by looking at these most beautiful Stones. Although there are more than 4900 known types of minerals, the ones you are about to discover are among the most beautiful.

Fluorite (fluorspar): Fluorite is a mineral that is composed of calcium and fluorine. It is a common mineral and can be found in a variety of rocks and minerals. It crystallizes in isometric cubic habit, although octahedral and more complex isometric forms are not uncommon. The Mohs scale of mineral hardness, based on scratch hardness comparison, defines value 4 as fluorite. Pure fluorite It is colourless and transparent, both in visible and ultraviolet light, but impurities usually make it a colorful mineral and the stone has ornamental and lapidary uses. Industrially, fluorite is used as a flux for smelting, and in the production of certain glasses and enamels. The purest grades of fluorite are a source of fluoride for hydrofluoric acid manufacture, which is the intermediate source of most fluorine-containing fine chemicals. Optically clear transparent fluorite lenses have low dispersion, so lenses made from it exhibit less chromatic aberration, making them valuable in microscopes and telescopes. Fluorite optics are also usable in the far-ultraviolet and mid-infrared ranges, where conventional glasses are too opaque for use. One of the most famous of the older-known localities of fluorite is Castleton in Derbyshire, England, where, under the name of "Derbyshire Blue John", purple-blue fluorite was extracted from several mines or caves.